
Membership Levels

Each membership level offers a range of benefits. Select the level that aligns with your goals and the extent to which you wish to be involved with the Chamber.

Membership in the Danish-American Chamber of Commerce means joining an organization with a long and impressive track record of creating value for Danish-American businesses. By becoming a member, you are just a handshake away from world-class connections. To learn more about our membership options and the benefits we offer, please click here or contact us directly.

We Depend on You—Our Valued Members

We’re here to help each other grow our businesses by introducing each other to organizations, new clients, and ideas. We provide opportunities to network, support each other’s growth, and learn from each other’s experiences and mistakes. We assist newcomers in finding their feet, offering advice, and easing transitions related to housing, local customs, bureaucracy, and the fast pace of life. Together, we are one community.

We depend on each other for all these needs, and our membership levels are designed to align with your organization’s goals, helping you build connections between Denmark and the United States while benefiting from our network.

Welcome! We are here to support you in both the United States and Denmark.


Our Sustaining Membership level is for businesses seeking a special, high-visibility role in supporting the Danish-American business community. With a Sustaining Membership, you and your company are investing in the future and long-term growth of Denmark-U.S. relations, helping to ensure that we can continue to serve and create value for our ever-growing network. We highlight our Sustaining Members at all our events and other public opportunities, providing exposure across all our operations.

Investing in a Sustaining Membership offers your company a unique opportunity to enhance its reputation and visibility within the Danish-American business community. As a Sustaining Member, your company will be prominently featured at all Chamber events and public engagements, increasing your brand’s exposure and recognition. This high-profile position not only highlights your commitment to fostering strong international relations but also provides significant networking opportunities with influential leaders and potential partners. By supporting the Chamber’s initiatives, you are contributing to the growth and strength of the Denmark-U.S. business ties, ensuring that your company plays a pivotal role in this dynamic network. This investment is a strategic move to elevate your brand’s presence and foster long-term growth in the international business arena.



Our Corporate Membership level is for companies with five or more employees globally. Your company and all your employees will have full access to all the Chamber’s activities, along with special opportunities for brand exposure, sponsorship offers, and participation in our initiatives. This membership also includes access to our comprehensive business development services.

Investing in a Corporate Membership provides your company with numerous benefits that can enhance your business’s growth and visibility. You will gain exposure to a broad network of professionals, which can open doors to new partnerships and market opportunities. Our sponsorship offers and exclusive activities can enhance your company’s profile and help attract top talent. Additionally, our business development services are designed to support your company’s strategic growth, providing you with expert guidance and valuable resources. Joining the Chamber’s Corporate Membership is a strategic investment in your company’s future success and integration into the Danish-American business community.



The Small Business Membership is designed for companies with five or fewer employees globally. Our ambition is to be a gathering spot for incoming Danish startups and small businesses in the Tri-state area. By joining, you gain access to a supportive community that can provide invaluable resources and connections. We offer a smooth transition into the market, mentoring options from experienced professionals, and a robust network that can supercharge your efforts and accelerate your growth. Membership provides opportunities to attend exclusive events, access tailored business advice, and collaborate with other entrepreneurs, ensuring your business thrives in a competitive environment. Investing in this membership is a strategic move to bolster your business's success and integration into the Danish-American business community.



Our Individual Membership level gives you access to all our general activities. This membership category is particularly attractive for Danes working at major companies in the United States who are not representing their companies directly. Join our events, network with peers, and become part of our strong and growing Danish-American business community.



Our entry-level YP-Membership is designed for young professionals under the age of 30. It’s an excellent way to familiarize yourself with the Chamber, offering unique opportunities to get involved in our activities and network with fellow members. By joining, you gain access to exclusive events, professional development resources, and mentorship opportunities that can significantly enhance your career prospects. We want you to become part of the Danish-American business community, where you can build meaningful connections, expand your professional network, and pursue exciting career opportunities. Investing in this membership is a step towards a brighter, more connected professional future.



Our Student Membership is designed for students in the U.S. and Denmark who are eager to seize unique opportunities for involvement in our activities and networking events. We strive to be your initial stepping stone into your professional career, providing support as you build a robust professional network and explore various career opportunities in your chosen field. By joining, you'll gain access to invaluable resources, connections, and experiences that will help pave the way for your future success.
